The College of Graduate Studies discusses a master’s thesis on ((the role of vitamin D and oxidative stress in women with multiple miscarriages infected with cytomegalovirus in Dhi Qar governorate)).

The College of Graduate Studies within the Southern Technical University discussed a master’s thesis on ((the role of vitamin D and oxidative stress in women with multiple miscarriages infected with cytomegalovirus in Dhi Qar governorate)) to graduate student (Batool Abdul Karim Hussein Odeh) Department of Pathological Analysis Techniques in College of Health and Medical Technologies.Study content: Repeated miscarriage is a relatively common occurrence among women of mature age
One of the most important causes of infection with cytomegalovirus.
Objectives of the study: The study included estimating the role of vitamin D and the biological variables of oxidative stress in women with multiple arrhythmias infected with CMV in Dhi Qar Governorate.
To highlight the relationship of vitamin D deficiency in increasing the severity of viral infection

Recommendations: Adopting a vitamin D test as a routine examination for pregnant women because of its role in repeated miscarriage
Measurement of the level of damage caused by oxidative stress as a result of viral infection
Measurement of immunoglobulin M and the strength of the binding of immunoglobulin G for the diagnosis of primary infection in pregnant women

Determination of the actual level of iron in women with miscarriage by measuring the level of ferritin
Soluble Transferin Receiver

The discussion committee consisted of the gentlemen whose names are listed below.
Mr. Dr . Maged Abdel-Wahab Maatouk / Southern Technical University / College of Health and Medical Technologies / Chairman.
a . Dr . Zina Waheed Alwan / University of Basra – College of Medicine / Member.
a . M.D. Dia Shnyar Hamad / Southern Technical University – College of Health and Medical Technologies
/ member.
Mr. Dr. Khaled Majid Dakhl / Southern Technical University – Technical Institute – Nasiriyah / member and supervisor.
a. Dr.. Raed Maalak Hanoun / University of Dhi Qar – College of Science / member and supervisor.
The discussion was attended by the Dean of the Nasiriyah Technical Institute, Prof. Dr. Khawam Raysan Hussein, the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies, the Assistant Professor Dr. Firas Jamil Jabbar, and the Dean of the Shatrah College of Technology.Assistant Professor Adnan Alwan Maktouf, assistant deans and a number of graduate students.
The researcher received a grade (excellent).