Department Mission and Objectives:

The department aims to graduate technical staff in environmental health, occupational safety, inspection, health control, health survey, implementation of primary health care programs, carrying out health awareness campaigns, and operating special devices and taking care of them.
Contributing to the establishment and development of a scientific, technical, medical edifice in the specialty of community health at the level of higher education throughout the country.

Department halls and laboratories:

The department contains six comfortable, air-conditioned rooms equipped with the latest display devices and display screens, and the department also contains seven different and specialized laboratories equipped with “appropriate” equipment that the student needs in the specialty for which the laboratory was designed. There is a laboratory for physiology and histology, another for hematology, and a laboratory for microbiology that includes bacteria. Parasites, viruses, and a nutrition laboratory that contains equipment used in food analysis, and an occupational safety laboratory that contains devices for measuring environmental pollution, radiation, and noise measurement devices, and the department seeks to provide the latest devices and techniques that are used in the field of community health for the graduate to be familiar with most of the modern technologies in his field of specialization.


Description of graduate work: 

Controlling communicable diseases by studying the environmental and health problems of the community and participating in preparing plans to know their work and methods of prevention and control.
It carries out environmental and health surveys and takes care of preventive health measures.
It works to implement primary health care programs.
Operating the devices used in health and environmental surveys and other areas related to health protection matters and taking care of them.


To contact the department, please contact the following mail: